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 This is about the transition of feeling small. Feeling small means being a "fragile" human with no sounds and no communication outside the box. It's a prison of living in the space of your own world, and there is no one giving you a chance to be heard, and instead, your mouth shut and purposely stay silent. It makes you small in the dark. 



This is the concept of Imposter Syndrome. I believe this represents my personality. I tend to overthink things. 



I dreamed of being in the world of isekai ( Terms of the anime genre). I tend to make it semi-realistic and glitches to be painted with glow and light. 


Bloom into You

This is a flower transition; it changed a form of withered to bloom. To make it look alive. 



When Marine Was There

 The main idea was the beach view, making pictures like the animated two beautiful ladies standing side by side in front across the seashore with beautiful skies, and they would enjoy the breezes in the air. Imagine they just met each other for the first time and are very close friends. A landscape is better to view more significant and very well fit. They should smile lovely for a short brief; It inspired me to make it a live-action movie.

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